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Family Law

Parenting Coordination

A parenting coordinator is an individual trained and authorized by the court to recommend resolutions to issues the parents are unable to agree upon. The parenting coordinator saves the parents money by removing the need for attorneys or the filing of petitions in the court. Additionally, a parenting coordinator is more accessible than a judge. The cost is shared by the parties in a percentage determined by the judge when a parenting coordinator is assigned.

We understand that emotions run high when dealing with family law cases. We'll work with you to answer all of your questions and to address all of your family law needs.
To schedule a consultation, call or text 717-841-0498 or fill out the contact form.
Parenting Coordinators Do Makes Decisions About:
  • A change in legal custody as set forth in the custody order; 
  • A change in primary physical custody as set forth in the custody order; 
  • a change in the court-ordered custody schedule that reduces or expands the child(ren)’s time with a party; 
  • A change in the residence (relocation) of the child(ren); 
  • Determination of financial issues, other than allocation of the parenting coordinator’s fees as set forth in subdivision
  • Major decisions regarding the health, education, religion, or welfare of the child(ren).
Parenting Coordinators Do Not Make Decisions About:
  • Places and conditions for custodial transitions between households;
  • Temporary variation from the custodial schedule for a special event or particular circumstance; 
  • School issues, apart from school selection; 
  • The child(ren)’s participation in recreation, enrichment, and extracurricular activities, including travel;
  • Child-care arrangements; 
  • Clothing, equipment, toys, and personal possessions of the child(ren); 
  • Information exchanges (e.g. school, health, social) between the parties and communication with or about the child(ren);
  • Coordination of existing or court-ordered services for the child(ren), e.g. psychological testing, alcohol or drug monitoring/testing, psychotherapy, anger management; 
  • Behavioral management of the child(ren); 
  • Other related custody issues that the parties mutually have agreed in writing to submit to the parenting coordinator.